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A Love Letter to Istanbul


An audio work that took single audient members on a journey from an Old Beer Factory in Istanbul to a nearby metro station and then onto the metro and a destination of their choice. 

Anxiety has been described as the big pubic secret of our time – the inevitable consequence of contemporary capitalism. Jane Bennett offers sympathy or empathy as the antidote to this anxiety, something we all experience in different ways but keep secret because we think it is our private problem. A Love Letter to Istanbul offers an experiential antidote for this time and this place.  

Created as part of the Connect for Creatitivity Art and Technology Residency at Atölye in Istanbul, funded by the British Council in Turkey and the European Union. 

Concept and Direction: Görkem Acaroğlu

Director's Assistant: Sadettin Yalta

Musıc: Buse Şengül

Voice Actor: Gürhan Elmalıoğlu

Translation: Zerrin Yanıkkaya

Sound: Emre Sünaer

Ağıt: Soner Yalçın

© 2019 by Görkem Acaroğlu

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